Bias in The Media Article Analysis
PURPOSE: To criticize Trump's approach to student loans DEVICES: Pathos: The article uses fear to back up its argument. Statements like “his stance on student loans could spell trouble for liberal arts majors” at the beginning of the article start the reader off with a negative or fearful feeling about the topic despite no evidence having been presented at that point in the article. This creates a lens through which the reader sees the article and influences their opinions. This combined with the headline “This is Trump's stance on student loans - and it could hurt poor students” makes it seem to the reader like someone or even themselves is in imminent danger and needs to oppose the idea being explored by the article. This happens before any evidence or description of the problem is presented that can either bring substance to this fear or prove that it is baseless forcing the reader to be against the idea from the start. Pronouns: This article focuses on Donald Trump...